Saturday, January 22, 2005

What I've been reading lately...

I have discovered since entering ministry full-time that I have to beg, borrow, and steal time to read, but I have managed to do a little bit lately. Here's what's been off my shelf:

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. A popularization of a lot of wakcy revisionist history of Christian origins. Brown is certainly a sloppy and uncritical historian, but he's also an amazingly engaging storyteller. I read this in two evenings of reading well past 2:00am. Couldn't put it down.

The Gospel Code by Ben Witherington III. Antidote for the above book. Witherington's skill as a New Testament scholar writing for a general audience shines on every page. I read this because Da Vinci Code is generating a lot of questions from parishioners young and old who don't know any better. I figured a well-reasonsed and lucid response would be better than just, "Nuh Uh!"

Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down by Marva J. Dawn. I have just started this one and can tell that it's going to be good. Dawn's objective is to explore how we can be faithful to tradition in our worship and yet also reach out to those outside of the Faith. She critiques both a dead traditionalism which insists that we "do it the way it's always been done," as well as those who are pushing for "relevance" by completely selling out to the entertainment culture. As one whose ministry is primarily to youth, this book has a lot to say that is of great interest to me.

Penny for your thoughts...what's everyone else been reading lately? Post a comment if you've come across something exciting or interesting.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Texanglican (R.W. Foster+) said...

Father, I used to have your time problem vis-a-vis reading when I practiced law. I found that audio books took care of a lot of that problem, esp. in the car. You can get unabridged audio volumes from many sources, even renting them instead of buying them. I strongly recommend Blackstone Audiobooks:

At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found your blog looking for comments about Marva Dawn's book. The Church that I work at is using it as the education piece for the worship committee.

I hope that you will post some more comments on the book fro the perspective of the Missioner for Youth and College Ministries for the Diocese of Quincy. As the seminarian college minister here I'm interested to hear how you think this might apply to my /(our?) generation "post-television intrernet" Christians.

J.F. Miller

At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fr Ron - I have found it most helpful to try to do my reading once a week at the Power Plant - the local pub at the University of Alberta. Particularly, I take my large Oxford NRSV and do a bit of reading. Two things usually happen: someone who is "anti-Christian" strikes up a conversation; or a student who is interested in things Christian asks what I am is a form of "loitering with intent" - a missional strategy for post secondary ministry.

At 3:50 PM, Blogger C. Wingate said...

Chalk me up as another who is interested in "Reaching Out Without Dumbing DOwn".

At 12:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have a neat blog here. I have a site on Free Downloadable Audio Books that you may be interested in linking to.

At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Bible, the only book worth reading.


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