Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The Great Justification

Well folks, here it is. The Windsor Report asked for it, and the ACC got it. "To Set our Hope on Christ" is the theological response to the Windsor Report's invitation that ECUSA submit a theological rationale for its insistence in engaging in communion-breaking activities. It can be found (among other places, I'm sure) here for download as a PDF document. I will try to read it in the next few days, but I can already tell that I'm in for a frustrating read as I was already fuming at the end of +Frank's introduction in which he commends the Spirit of Truth for guiding us into new truths out the riches of "Christ who is our Truth." Our Truth? I believe Jesus said that he was the Truth. But there lies the rub, right? I suppose I should have expected nothing less from a committed pluralist/relativist.

On a more joyful, and I suppose quite appropriate note, a blessed St. Alban's day to all. St. Alban, for those who are not familiar, is venerated as the first martyr (protomartyr) of Britain. He was a pagan Roman soldier living in the Roman city of Verulamium, to the northeast of London. He was converted by a Christian priest who sought and gained shelter from Alban during a widespread persecution by the Emperors Diocletian and Maximian. When the authorities discovered the priest's whereabouts, Alban insisted on taking the priest's cloak and turning himself in. He was tortured and beheaded in the year 304. The Venerable Bede tells a moving tale of the man whose duty it was to execute Alban. He was overcome with "terror from God" and cast away his sword, "desiring rather to die with the Martyr or for the Martyr." The executioner was beheaded there with Alban on this date in 304.

Holy Alban, pray for us.


At 8:49 AM, Blogger Texanglican (R.W. Foster+) said...

Well, Father, what did you make of the ECUSA presentation? BTW, I wish I could hear your presentation at the FiFNA meeting this fall. Do please put a summary on your blog when the time comes.

At 12:57 AM, Blogger Andrew said...

Yes, I too am curious what you thought of it. It has been a while since we've heard from you.

God Bless!


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